I got a first hand glimpse of the import of those words today,when my work-mate gave a narration of how he awoke at 1 in the morning to the cries of one hurling insults at him for not promptly settling his debt.I have not seen or heard anyone being proud of such an event.My colleague,was for lack of a suitable term,on top of the league,boasting that he was involved in a dispute.If you will,do not trouble trouble,because trouble will soon be knocking at your door.I choose to learn from this experience.To pass on to my kids the importance of valuing another human being despite their standing in society. So you see,parenting is not for the faint hearted.Show me a child and I will show you his parents.Granted,some parents have tried to bring up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and this child or that one has strayed off on a godless path.Pray for them still.Do not give up on them,because God has not.To you who has grownup in a home with ill-equiped parents,take heart and seek above evrything else to KNOW Christ.If you are enganged to that special someone or thinking of marrying.Take these issues to heart and do not wreck the life of another human being.
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