Tuesday 16 August 2011

Relocation Can Be Scary.

We sometimes envision ourselves finding a suitable environment to live and work.As the saying goes,'the grass is greener on the other side'.If truth be told there is no fulfillment greater than staying put in a community and nurturing the relationships started.                                                                                                                        I have been working at a rural health clinic,called Mwasephangwe since 27th december 2004.This was my first station,fresh from college.I had initially planned to be at Mwase for only 6 months.That was soon to change,as I mingled with a-people so unlike me.As i  participated in their challenges and triumphs,a good seven years has been clocked.                                                                                                                                 Working with the people of mwasemphangwe  has made me realise that negative behaviours within a given community do not change overnight.I have witnessed a shift in peoples attitudes towards accessing health care services.                          KANYANGA.                                                                                                                                        The journey to Kanyanga started at 7pm in a six tonne Fuso fighter truck.With the bad state of the roads,we safely arrived at the new station at exactly 2:30am.I wonder what this new place holds for me.Watch this spot for updates.                                                                     

Saturday 13 August 2011

Joining The Army.

Today marks a major shift in my attitude and beliefs on joining the army.I have in the past believed that army officers are cruel,crude and inferior.I have watched movies like,Saving private Ryan and Gladiator.Have enjoyed the movies,but never saw myself becoming a soldier.                                                                                                                       What has brought about my sudden applauding of all military personnel?Is it the prestige or honor given to servicemen?Neither,it is rather borne from the fact that, "greater love hath no man than this,that a man lay down his life for his friends"(John15:13).Looking at the pictures of those slain in Iraq,I can not help but notice that most of them are so terribly young.Cut down,as it were,in the zenith of their youth.A life not worth dieing for,is a life not worth living for.                                                                                                                                                             Secondly,I have seen the lack of discipline in the civil service,with unbridled corruption being the order of the day(this is particularly the picture in my home country).Oh,for some breath of fresh air! Hence,I seek to embark upon this journey with a clear purpose and resolve to serve my beloved countrymen,to the uttermost of my abilities,so help me God.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Learning To Cherish What I Have.

                      I almost forgot to blog on the experience i had today.I ran into someone,who in the eyes of his community,is a queer lad.I have made it a habit not to take people at face value.God has made His creatures as different as their faces,but uniquely beautiful.It is from the odd sort of folk that life's valuable lessons have been collected.Before you write off your weird-looking neighbor,let me share with you the experience i had today.                                                                                                This 'odd' person i ran into was cycling to a workshop.After the formal greetings,we discussed about the forthcoming presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for 20th september.He went on to say that he would be picking up his son from boarding school in Chipata,during the weekend.He allows his son,who will be sixteen years next month,to ride motorbikes.He has compared raising children to holding a little bird in hand;hold it too loosely,it will fly away.Hold it too firmly,it will die.                                                                                           He is content with what God has given him.In Chicewa,they say,"katundu wako siungakulemele".It means,the one carrying the load does not feel its weight.Have you seen how a parent with a child having a physical debility handles his/her situation.It is difficult indeed,but see how by Gods grace,they are able to cope.God gives them the strength to bring up that child.He made me realise the importance of valuing relationships.                                    As for me,I have come to appreciate my earthly father the most.He is not highly schooled,wealthy or a leader in his community.I have everything a son would crave for in a father.                                                                                                                                                                 My dad grew up without both parents.Yet God,preserved him from the perils that accompany many a-orphan.Iam held in high regard by members of my community because of the seed  mum and dad planted in me at a very tender age.May the Lord teach me to raise my kids in the fear and knowledge of Him{Joshua24.15}.Amen.                          

Walking The Talk.

Today,read Ruth ch.3-4.Boaz takes the lead to make Ruth his better half.Just like the Almighty Creator did in saving lost humanity.Sending his only Son to die an agonising death on the cross.His love was demonstrated when He paid that ultimate price.Gods love in Christ is not just empty an empty'I LOVE YOU'.Indeed,while we were yet sinners,Christ died.Will you trust Him today.My fellow saints,trust him for time,because you have trusted him for eternity.Oh eternity,eternity,how my Savior doth make thee shine.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Being a parent aint for the faint-hearted.

I got a first hand glimpse of the import of those words today,when my work-mate gave a narration of how he awoke at 1 in the morning to the cries of one hurling insults at him for not promptly settling his debt.I have not seen or heard anyone being proud of such an event.My colleague,was for lack of a suitable term,on top of the league,boasting that he was involved in a dispute.If you will,do not trouble trouble,because trouble will soon be knocking at your door.I choose to learn from this experience.To pass on to my kids the importance of valuing another human being despite their standing in society.                                                                          So you see,parenting is not for the faint hearted.Show me a child and I will show you his parents.Granted,some parents have tried to bring up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and this child or that one has strayed off on a godless path.Pray for them still.Do not give up on them,because God has not.To you who has grownup in a home with ill-equiped parents,take heart and seek above evrything else to KNOW Christ.If you are enganged to that special someone or thinking of marrying.Take these issues to heart and do not wreck the life of another human being.